Training Fasted!!???

Well to start off let me explain what training fasted is. Training fasted is going into the gym on an empty stomach, not having consumed any calories prior to your training session. This is one way some people like to train just like me, but may I add there are pros and cons to this. In my opinion here are the pros which I have noticed is more energy, more focus, and better contractions in my muscles. The cons to this are maybe when you go to the gym you will not be as strong as you would be if you would have consumed tons of carbs before your training session. Another con in my opinion is the pump will not be as good compared to if you were to eat carbs before the gym.

I have not met many people who train fasted although you never know this might be for you so give it a try who knows this might be your new technique. Do not knock I until you give it a shot. As always STAY STRONG, LIFT, KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

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